Sarah placed the glasses on her head and turned them on. She scrolled down until she found what she was looking for.
One push and she was there. Her eyes adjusted to the room slowly. Sarah was sitting in front of a blank canvas. She looked
around the bare room and smiled. She was the only one there. Well, not quite.
Sarah started and gasped as the blood rushed to her
cheeks. Blake was there, standing in the center of the room with absolutely nothing on. He was grinning shamelessly. She lowered
her eyes and prayed her body would calm down. Sarah took a deep breath. His voice echoed through the room.
“I thought it would be nice if you started with a nude. Bowls of fruit are so boring and overdone.”
She kept her eyes on the blank canvas. “You don’t play fair,” she said through clenched teeth.
Sarah heard him walk over to her and closed her eyes. He stood in front of the canvas and looked curiously down at
“Hard to paint with your eyes closed, Sarah.” She peeped up at him, and he laughed.
“I wanted an art class. You know, students and fruit. Not a naked man who is taunting me. Thanks.” Her
voice was wry. He started to move to the side.
“You move one more inch, and I’m gone. I’ll go visit a convent or something. I mean it.”
Blake frowned. “No need for extremes.” He held up his hands. “How about a compromise?”
She narrowed her eyes. “You get dressed, and I don’t leave?”
Blake chuckled. “I’ll wrap a towel around me, and you paint to your heart’s content.” Sarah
cocked her head to the side.
“One of those extra large bath towels?”
He snickered. “I was thinking more of a hand towel…” She stood up, and he laughed. “Honestly,
Sarah, a bath towel.”
“Go get it then.” She closed her eyes and heard him walk away. Sarah couldn’t help herself. She cracked
her eyelids open and was treated to the sight of his backside walking towards the door. Sarah’s mouth went dry, and
her temperature spiked. His muscles seemed to be sculpted. His ass flexed with each step. Blake’s backside was muscular
and tan. His broad shoulders tapered into a lean back and hips. Sarah clenched the paint brush and licked her lips.
Blake turned back towards her with a smile on his lips. “Last chance.” She shook her head and pointed.
He walked through the doorway grinning. She loosened her grip on the brush, and it dropped. Heaven help her. Sarah
bit her lip to keep from laughing. He was incorrigible.
Ten minutes later, he returned. His lower half was draped in a white bath towel. It must have been a small one, because
it barely covered him. Sarah looked at him accusingly. He grinned unapologetically.
“It was the only one I could find. Really.” She just shook her head and picked her brush back up.
“Now, first of all, I’ve never painted before, so don’t get your hopes up. By the time I’m
finished with you, you may look like a bowl of fruit.”